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a bright bouquet of cookie flowers

Our royal-iced cookies are made from quality, fresh, Australian ingredients and come to you individually heat sealed with a nutrition information panel on the back.

Our cookies have a shelf-life of 8-12 weeks depending on the flavour (chocolate, vanilla and gingerbread).  Packaging can be customised to suit your requirements and we offer cookies for all occasions, including corporate promotions and events.  

Our online collection are baked fresh for you after purchase, so please allow 7-10 days for delivery.   If you'd like something custom made, please request a quote. 

We'd love to make cookies for you!

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

“I love them so much Renee!
You're amazing - thank you!!
Everyone loved them. I have a feeling you'll
get more business as a result x”

Candice Harvey

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